Speaker Three: John Lam

A Conversation We Just Had In IRC

jmullan: chris: who is this dude?
ckdake: some guy

The third speaker is actually pretty interesting in that he is talking about Iron Ruby and has a charismatic and energetic delivery. Oh, it's John Lam. I figured it out because he referenced an article by Jon Udell.

Ooh, Boo! John just laid out a list of languages and Boo was one of them. It even has a cute ghost logo.

This weekend Mr. Lam installed Leopard (or whatever) and now his wireless connection is way hosed up. It is possible that the Apple drivers detected that he is on the Microsoft campus and decided to Rickroll him.

What is Phalanger?

Phalanger is a .NET PHP compiler. Another page: here.

I've been mostly tuning out, but I kept hearing him say "monkey pouching." Monkey pouching. Monkey pouching. Monkey pouching. It sounds weird when you say it a few times. Of course, he was actually saying "monkey patching," which is a different matter entirely.

1 Responses to Speaker Three: John Lam

  1. 5 Zach 1193925404

    "Boo is a new object oriented statically typed programming language for the Common Language Infrastructure with a python inspired" [stops reading]

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